Diablo Women’s Garden Club

The History of the Diablo Women’s Garden Club
The Diablo Women’s Garden Club was founded in 1925 by Diablo’s summer residents. Coming from Berkeley, Oakland, Piedmont, and San Francisco, they found the climate unlike anything they had encountered west of the Oakland hills. They banded together to discover what might grow in this extreme climate. To see how successful they were, you only need to walk Diablo’s shade covered streets today, lush with planting of every kind. The Garden Club has met at the Diablo Country Club on the first Wednesday of the month since it was established. Today, the Diablo Women’s Garden Club has 150 members and a waiting list. The Garden Club’s goals are to create and promote an interest in horticulture, gardening, floral and landscape design, and to encourage civic plantings and conservation.
To further these goals, the Club participates in many projects, including the Penny Pines Reforestation Project, Osage Park Memorial Garden, Western Hills Nursery, and various projects at Children’s Fairyland in Oakland.
The Garden Club’s most important project is the education of its members, which is done through monthly programs, workshops and tours.
Club Flower – Camellia
Club Colors – Pink and Green